ENAKD 2023 is a collaboration by Neuroelectrics, Teo Ruffini (TOE), and Starlab.

EEG, short for "Electroencephalography," helps us understand how our brains work. Enobio, created by Neuroelectrics, is used to read the electrical activity of the brain. It consists of special sensors called electrodes that are placed on the scalp, picking up the brain's electrical signals. These signals represent the individual's EEG, and it helps scientists and doctors gain a deeper understanding of the intricate patterns within the brain.
ENAKD (Emotionally, Electronically Naked) is a pioneering, proof-of-concept AI-driven affective brain-computer interface. Brain wave data is collected through wireless EEG and converted into emotional state labels. AI is used to map the emotional tag into art: images and poetry. By employing a large language model like ChatGPT, it generates an image and a haiku that correspond to the emotion tag. This process enables a profound emotional connection between the public and the performer.
The ExperienceLab transforms EEG into emotional data. Emotions are classified in 2D space as Valence and Arousal. Valence is defined in the pleasure-displeasure continuum with values from +1 to -1. Arousal, also from -1 to +1, refers to the general level of alertness and wakefulness of a person. The valence arousal pair is mapped into an emotion tag using the emoemotion circumplex.